Deauville Hotel Demolition

Deauville Hotel
Deauville Hotel – Late 1950s

Located on North Miami Beach, the historic Deauville Hotel is currently being demolished.

Designed by Melvin Grossman, the resort opened in 1957 and quickly gained a reputation as the “Hotel of the Stars”. It was from the Deauville Hotel’s Napoleon Room that The Beatles would make their second appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show on February 16, 1964. Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Ethel Merman, and many other top performers of the era would perform and frequent the hotel. In December 1961, President John F. Kennedy spoke at the Deauville.

Sites to visit:

This New York Times article provides a number of period images as well as those reflecting the hotel in January 2022.

Abandoned Florida captured many interior images of the Deauville after its 2017 shuttering.

We will be creating a ChronoPoints page dedicated to the history of the Deauville. Should you have any historic or demolition images, please consider sharing them with the project.