San Diego Trip

Millard Sheets Mosaic
Millard Sheets Mosaic
Beautiful Millard Sheets Mosaic

Our March trip to San Diego was very productive. We were able to laser scan the Roundhouse building at Penske-Ford prior to its impending demolition and two additional area structures! While in La Mesa we also captured the exteriors of the JSC Innovation Centre (formerly a Home Savings building with a Millard Sheets Studio mosaic) and the 1908 McKinney House (La Mesa Historical Society).

For additional information on the Millard Sheets mosaics on former Home Savings buildings throughout San Diego and Los Angeles

Penske-Ford Scanning
Scanning the exterior of the Penske-Ford Roundhouse
Scanning Roof Penske-Ford
Scanning the Roof of the Penske-Ford Roundhouse
Exterior McKinney House
Capturing the exterior of the McKinney House
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