Our new Mid-Century architect series begins with a look at the work of upstate New York architect James R. Mowry.
ChronoPoints was fortunate to speak with members of Mr. Mowry’s family and wish to thank them for providing all of the gallery images. Additional images will be added in the near future.
Mr. Mowry designed several hyperbolic paraboloid buildings, including the Ken Wilson Chevrolet Showroom in Vestal, NY. The structure’s relevance to the community was demonstrated in 2015 when crowds gathered to reminiscence about the building prior to its impending demolition. As at the razing of the Cocoa Beach Glass Bank, such gatherings attest to how structures can transcend their intended function, and become a ‘member’ of the community.
As always if you have images, documents, or ephemera of any of our projects, please consider sharing them with ChronoPoints.